Increased aspartate and glutamate levels in both gastric and
pmid: Abstract The concentrations of free amino acid and proteinbound amino acid in gastric and colon cancers and also in normal tissues were measured and compared in order to Gene ID: , updated on 14Nov2023 Summary Other designations uncharacterized protein Gene ResultTSTA uncharacterized protein []1993年6月1日 Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature Increased aspartate and glutamate levels in both gastric and colon cancer tissuesIncreased aspartate and glutamate levels in both gastric and NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) is a public archive and resource for gene expression dataGEO Accession viewer National Center for Biotechnology
Increased aspartate and glutamate levels in both gastric and
1993年6月1日 Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literatureUnlike the conventional gravity compensations, this paper provides simpler gravity compensations based on a Casimir function First, we propose an impedance control approach by which the Casimir based gravity compensations for hydraulic armsAuthor(s): Wang,Ji,active 18th century19th century Title(s): Jie du bian/ Haiyangzhulinren, zhuan Country of Publication: China Publisher: [Sl] : Gu yu shan fang, [1792] Description: 40 NLM Catalog Result National Center for 富昌电子为您提供由KYOCERA AVX生产,包装方式为散装的在线采购、询价报价、样片申请、技术支持、数据手册下载等一站式服务。 购买原装正品现货Multilayer Ceramic M39014/011296 KYOCERA AVX 散装 [价格,现货,采购,库存
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